
Chapters and verses mentioning Madmena

  Book of Isaiah Isaia Izaia Livre d'Isaïe
Isa / Iz 10.31 Madmenah is removed; the inhabitants of Gebim gather themselves to flee. Lasa mandositra Madmena, ny mponina any Gebima mitondra ny entany mandositra. Miparitaka Medmenà, lasa nandositra ny mponina ao Gabima, Madména s' est enfuie; les habitants de Gébîm se sont mis à l' abri.

  Book of Jeremiah Jeremia Jeremia Livre de Jérémie
Jer / Jr 48.2 There shall be no more praise of Moab: in Heshbon they have devised evil against it; come, and let us cut it off from being a nation. Also thou shalt be cut down, O Madmen; the sword shall pursue thee. Tsy misy ho reharehan' i Moaba intsony; Tao Hesbona no niheverany hampididoza aminy hoe: Andeha horavantsika tsy ho firenena izy. Ho ringana koa ianao, ry Madmena, Hanenjika anao ny sabatra. tsy misy intsony izay voninahitr' i Moaba! Any Hesebona no hidinihana ny loza hamelezana azy: Andeha hofongorantsika eo amin' ny firenena izy! Hianao koa, ry Madmena, hatao gina; mandeha manaraka eo aorianao ny sabatra. elle n' est plus, la fierté de Moab! A Heshbôn on a machiné son malheur "Allons! Supprimons-la d' entre les nations!" Toi aussi, Madmèn, tu seras réduite au silence, l'épée te serre de près.