
Chapters and verses mentioning Hananì

  1st Book of Kings 1 Mpanjaka Mpanjaka I 1er Livre des Rois
1Mp 16.1 Then the word of the Lord came to Jehu the son of Hanani against Baasha, saying, Ary tonga tamin' i Jeho, zanak' i Hanany, ny tenin' i Jehovah ny amin i Basa nanao hoe: Ary tonga tamin' i Jehoa, zanak' i Hananì, ny tenin' ny Tompo namely an' i Baasà, nanao hoe: La parole de Yahvé fut adressée à Jéhu, fils de Hanani, contre Basha, en ces termes :
1Mp 16.7 And also by the hand of the prophet Jehu the son of Hanani came the word of the Lord against Baasha, and against his house, even for all the evil that he did in the sight of the Lord, in provoking him to anger with the work of his hands, in being like the house of Jeroboam; and because he killed him. Ary Jeho mpaminany zanak' i Hanany, dia nampitondraina ny tenin' i Jehovah ny amin' i Basa sy ny taranany, satria nanao ratsy teo imason' i Jehovah ka nampahatezitra Azy tamin' ny asan' ny tanany, ka dia tonga tahaka ny mpianakavin' i Jeroboama, ary satria namono ireo izy. Ary ny tenin' ny Tompo dia nampitondraina tamin' ny alalan' i Jehoa, mpaminany, zanak' i Hananì, hihatra amin' i Baasà sy ny tranony noho ny ratsy rehetra nataony teo imason' ny Tompo, nampahatezerany azy tamin' ny asan' ny tànany, sy nanahafany ny tranon' i Jeroboama, ary noho izy namono izany fianakaviana izany koa. De plus, par le ministère du prophète Jéhu fils de Hanani, la parole de Yahvé fut transmise à Basha et à sa maison, d' une part à cause de tout le mal qu' il fit au regard de Yahvé, en l' irritant par ses oeuvres, pour devenir comme la maison de Jéroboam, d' autre part, parce qu' il extermina celle-ci.

  1st Book of Chronicles 1 Tantara Tantara I 1er Livre des Chroniques
1Tt / 1Tan 25.4 Of Heman: the sons of Heman: Bukkiah, Mattaniah, Uzziel, Shebuel, and Jerimoth, Hananiah, Hanani, Eliathah, Giddalti, and Romamtiezer, Joshbekashah, Mallothi, Hothir, and Mahazioth: Tamin' i Hemana, ny zanany dia Bokia, Matania, Oziela, Seboela sy Jerimota, Hanania, Hanany, Eliata, Gidalty sy Romamti-ezera sy Josbekasa sy Maloty sy Hotira ary Mahaziota. Amin' i Hemàna, ny zanakalahin' i Hemàna: Boksiao, Mataniao, Oziela, Soboela, Jerimota, Hanaiasa, HAnanì, Eliata, Gedeltì, Rommemtiezera, Jesbakasà, Melotì, Otira, ary Mahaziota. Pour Hémân : fils de Hémân : Buqqiyyahu, Mattanyahu, Uzziel, Shebuel, Yerimot, Hananya, Hanani, Éliata, Giddalti, Româmti-Ézer, Yoshbe-qasha, Malloti, Hotir, Mahaziot.
1Tt / 1Tan 25.25 The eighteenth to Hanani, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve: ny fahavalo ambin' ny folo an' i Hanany, izy mbamin' ny zanany sy ny rahalahiny, dia roa ambin' ny folo; ny fahavalo ambin' ny folo, an' i Hananì mbamin' ireo zanany aman-drahalahiny: roa ambin' ny folo; Le dix-huitième fut Hanani; avec ses fils et ses frères ils étaient douze.

  2nd Book of Chronicles 2 Tantara Tantara II 2ème Livre des Chroniques
2Tt / 2Tan 16.7 And at that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah, and said unto him, Because thou hast relied on the king of Syria, and not relied on the Lord thy God, therefore is the host of the king of Syria escaped out of thine hand. Ary tamin' izany andro izany dia nankeo amin' i Asa, mpanjakan' ny Joda, Hanany mpahita ka nanao taminy hoe: Noho ny niankinanao tamin' ny mpanjakan' i Syria fa tsy niankina tamin' i Jehovah Andriamanitrao ianao, dia afa-nandositra ny tananao ny miaramilan' ny mpanjakan' i Syria. Tamin' izany andro izany no nahatongavan' i Hananì mpahita, tao amin' i Asà, mpanjakan' i Jodà, nilaza taminy hoe: Noho hianao niankina tamin' ny mpanjakan' i Siria, fa tsy tamin' ny Tompo Andriamanitrao, noho izany dia afa-mandositra ny tànanao ny tafiky ny mpanjakan' i Siria. C' est alors que Hanani le voyant vint trouver Asa, roi de Juda. Il lui dit : " Parce que tu t' es appuyé sur le roi d' Aram et non sur Yahvé ton Dieu, les forces du roi d' Aram échapperont à tes mains.
2Tt / 2Tan 19.2 And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the Lord? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord. Ary nivoaka hitsena azy Jeho, zanak' i Hanany mpahita, ka nanao tamin' i Josafata mpanjaka hoe: Moa ny ratsy fanahy va no tokony hampiana, ary izay mankahala an' i Jehovah va no tokony ho tianao? Koa noho izany dia tezitra aminao Jehovah. dia nitsena azy Jehò, mpahita, zanak' i Hananì, ka hoy izy tamin' i Josafata mpanjaka: Tokony hampiana va ny ratsy fanahy? Ary ny mankahala an' ny Tompo va no tianao? Noho izany dia ao aminao ny fahatezerana avy amin' ny Tompo. Jéhu, fils de Hanani le voyant, sortit à sa rencontre et dit au roi Josaphat : " Porte-t-on secours au méchant ? Aimerais-tu ceux qui haïssent Yahvé, pour attirer ainsi sur toi sa colère ?
2Tt / 2Tan 20.34 Now the rest of the acts of Jehoshaphat, first and last, behold, they are written in the book of Jehu the son of Hanani, who is mentioned in the book of the kings of Israel. Ary ny tantaran' i Josafata sisa, na ny voalohany na ny farany, indro, efa voasoratra ao amin' ny tenin' i Jeho, zanak' i Hanany, izay nakambana ao amin' ny bokin' ny mpanjakan' ny Isiraely, izany. Ny sisa tamin' ny asan' i Josafata, ny voalohany sy ny farany, dia indro fa efa voasoratra ao amin' ny Tenin' i Jehò, zanak' i Hananì, ka efa voatafiditra ao amin' ny bokin' ny mpanjakan' Israely. Le reste de l' histoire de Josaphat, du début à la fin, se trouve écrit dans les Actes de Jéhu, fils de Hanani, qui ont été portés sur le livre des Rois d' Israël.

  Book of Ezra Ezra Esdrasa Livre d'Esdras
Ezr / Esd 10.20 And of the sons of Immer; Hanani, and Zebadiah. Ary ny avy tamin' ny taranak' Imera dia Hanany sy Zebedia; Tamin' ny taranak' i Emera: Hananì sy Zebediasa. Parmi les fils d' Immer : Hanani et Zebadya;

  Book of Nehemiah Nehemia Nehemia Livre de Néhémie
Neh / Ne 1.2 That Hanani, one of my brethren, came, he and certain men of Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews that had escaped, which were left of the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem. dia tonga Hanany, anankiray amin' ny rahalahiko, mbamin' ny lehilahy sasany avy tany Joda; ary nanontaniako azy ny amin' ny Jiosy efa afaka, izay sisa tamin' ny fahababoana, ary ny amin' i Jerosalema. dia ity tonga Hananì, anankiray amin' ny rahalahiko, mbamin' ny lehilahy sasany aty tany Jodà. Nanontaniako azy ireo, ny amin' ny Jody efa afaka, dia izay nitsoaka tamin' ny fahabahoana, sy ny amin' i Jerosalema. Hanani, l' un de mes frères, arriva avec des gens de Juda. Je les interrogeai sur les Juifs les rescapés restés de la captivité et sur Jérusalem.
Neh / Ne 7.2 That I gave my brother Hanani, and Hananiah the ruler of the palace, charge over Jerusalem: for he was a faithful man, and feared God above many. dia notendreko Hanany rahalahiko sy Hanania, lehiben' ny tao an-dapa, hitandrina an' i Jerosalema, fa lehilahy mahatoky izy sady matahotra an' Andriamanitra mihoatra noho ny maro. Ary Hananì rahalahiko sy Anania lehiben' ny rova no nomeko fahefana amin' i Jerosalema, fa lehilahy mahatoky sy matahotra an' Andriamanitra mihoatra noho ny maro izy. Je confiai l' administration de Jérusalem à Hanani, mon frère, et à Hananya, commandant de la citadelle, car c'était un homme de confiance et qui craignait Dieu plus que beaucoup d' autres;
Neh / Ne 12.35 And certain of the priests' sons with trumpets; namely, Zechariah the son of Jonathan, the son of Shemaiah, the son of Mattaniah, the son of Michaiah, the son of Zaccur, the son of Asaph: ary ny sasany tamin' ny taranaky ny mpisorona nitondra trompetra, dia Zakaria, zanak' i Jonatana, zanak' i Semaia, zanak' i Matania, zanak' i Mikaia, zanak' i Zakora, zanak' i Asafa, mbamin' ny rahalahiny, Semeiasa, Azareela, Malalaì, Galalaì, Maaì, Natanaela, Jodà, ary Hananì, nitondra ny zava-manenon' i Davida, olon' Andriamanitra. Esdrasa mpanora-dalana no nialoha an' ireo. choisis parmi les prêtres et munis de trompettes; puis Zekarya, fils de Yonatân, fils de Shemaya, fils de Mattanya, fils de Mika, fils de Zakkur, fils d' Asaph,
Neh / Ne 12.36 And his brethren, Shemaiah, and Azarael, Milalai, Gilalai, Maai, Nethaneel, and Judah, Hanani, with the musical instruments of David the man of God, and Ezra the scribe before them. mbamin' ny rahalahiny, dia Semaia sy Azarela, Milalay, Gilalay, May, Netanela sy Joda ary Hanany, nitondra ny zava-manenon' i Davida, lehilahin' Andriamanitra; ary Ezra mpanora-dalàna nandeha teo alohan' ireo. Tao amin' ny vavahadin' ny Loharano izy ireo, dia niakatra ny ambaratongan' ny tanànan' i Davida, teo an-tandrifiny, nihazo ny fiakarana amin' ny manda, eo ambonin' ny manda, eo ambonin' ny tranon' i Davida hatreo amin' ny vavahadin' ny Rano, eo atsinanana. avec ses frères Shemaya, Azaréel, Milalaï, Gilalaï, Maaï, Netanéel, Yehuda, Hanani, munis des instruments de musique de David, l' homme de Dieu. Et Esdras, le scribe, marchait à leur tête.