
Entry1  afa-po
Part of speech  2  locution
Explanations in Malagasy  3  manana ny zavatra rehetra ilaina: Misaotra indrindra, tompoko, fa afa-po ny zanako eto momba ny fianarana 4  leo, tsy mahazaka intsony: Veromanga nifandray tendrroe: ianareo soa, izahay tsara; ianareo tsy tia, izahay afa-po. (Hainteny) 5  miaiky fa tsy mahita, amin' ny fangalam-piery [1.1]
Explanations in English  6  satisfied [1.2, 1.7]7  satiated; disheartened, discouraged; to be free from painful regrets after having exerted one's self to the utmost in the unsuccessful pursuit of an object. See ala fo. [1.2]
Explanations in French  8  satisfait [1.8, 1.13]9  rassasié [1.8]10  assouvi [1.13]
Examples  11  Tahaka ny afapo ery izy ireo amin' ny fahitany ny vola tahiriny. [2.470#]
Elementary words  12  afaka, fo
Proverbs  13  Proverbs containing the word afa-po

Updated on 2024/08/13