
Entry1  ampovoany
Root  2  any, fo, voa, -ny
Part of speech  3  noun or adverb
Explanations in English  4  [1.2] in the midst of, in the centre of, in the middle of, amidst
Explanations in French  5  [1.3] le milieu, le centre
au milieu, au centre
Examples  6  Onisoa ao ampovoany, Vohidahy no renivohitra; [2.508]
7  Nony tonga teo ampovoany, hono, dia nilentika tampoka ny lakana. [2.499]
8  Fa ny any ampovoany, izay maty maty, izay velona velona, fa tsy misy hizaha sy hanome fanafody any. [2.472]
Vocabulary  9  Space
Synonyms  10  afovoany
Analogs  11  anivo

Anagrams  12  ampovoany, mivoa-pano

Updated on 2025/01/21