
Entry1  English and Malagasy Vocabulary    
Subtitle  2  with sentences in both languages illustrating the words used in the vocabulary
Elementary words  3  English, malagasy, vocabulary
Part of speech  4  name (book title) [Full list]
Vocabulary  5  Linguistics
Author  6  Rabearana
7  Rainandriamampandry-Rabezandrina
8  Ralaitafikia
Publishings  9  , 1873. Height: 9in. Width: 6in. Pages: 476
Table of Contents 
v Introduction
1 A
30 B
49 C
89 D
109 E
122 F
132 G
139 H
146 I
162 J
162 K
164 L
173 M
187 N
192 O
200 P
233 Q
234 R
258 S
294 T
311 U
307 V
307 W
320 Y
320 Z
321 Sentences
460 Introductory Lesson in Geography

Updated on 2024/12/09