
Entry (1/2)1  levenana
Root  2  levina
Part of speech  3  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  4  [1.1] Fandevenana: Misaotra Tompoko, fa heni-boninahitra ny velona ary tsara levenana ny maty
Ny zavatra rehetra enti-manana ny fandevenana ny olona maty.
Explanations in English  5  [1.7] funeral céremonies; a burial
Explanations in French  6  [1.8] funérailles, enterrement
Compound words 
Titles  10  Fomba fanao raha misy maty : Famangiana ~ Levenana (Rasamuel Maurice)
Proverbs  11  Proverbs containing the word levenana

Entry (2/2)12  levenana
Root  13  levina
Part of speech  14  passive verb
Explanations in French  15  [1.3#403] où on enterre
16  Imperative :

Updated on 2025/01/31