
Entry1  manararo (hararo)
Part of speech  2  active verb
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Mitana, manampontsampona, manao izay hahatratra aoriana: Aza manararo ny zanako amin' ny kilalao ialahy isany sao diso fidirana any am-pianarana izy 4  Milalao, manadala: Nanararo ny mpandalo tamin' ny hatsikany teo i Rainimbahy [1.1]
Explanations in English  5  to put an obstacle or difficulty in the way, to discourage, to dishearten. (prov. ?) [1.2]
6  Present :
7  Past :
8  Future :
9  Imperative :

Updated on 2023/01/05