
Entry1  ombieny ombieny
Elementary words  2  ombieny
Part of speech  3  adverb
Explanations in English  4  wandering here, there, and everywhere. [1.2]
5  everywhere [1.101]
Explanations in French  6  qui va ça et là, rôdeur [1.3]
Examples  7  Nisy tehaka maimaina ombieny ombieny. [2.356]
8  ombieny ombieny, anverimberiny ny hoe "fahaleovantena, fahafahana". [2.472]
9  Raha vahiny aminy dia hierikerika foana mandinika ombieny ombieny ny lafiny efatra. [2.470]
Synonyms  10  eny rehetra eny
Other spellings  11  omby, ombieniombieny
Compound words 
Tables and plates  13  All the adverbs

Updated on 2023/04/16