
Entry (1/3)1  sekatse
Part of speech  2  noun
Explanations in French  3  [1.68] [Vezo] Variété de plante (Burséracée, Commiphora orbicularis Engl.)
Vocabulary  4  Botany: grass
Scientific name 

Entry (2/3)6  sekatse
Part of speech  7  noun
Explanations in French  8  [1.68] [Vezo] Ménopause
Vocabulary  9  Health

Entry (3/3)10  sekatse
Part of speech  11  adjective
Explanations in French  12  [1.68] [Vezo] stérile —> kanda, momba, vokatse
Vocabulary  13  Health

Updated on 2024/12/08