
Entry1  Abednego
Part of speech  2  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  3  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in English  4  Abednego [2.996]
Explanations in French  5  Abed-Nego [2.996]
Examples  6  Nefa Abednego, mbamin' i Sadraka sy Mesaka sakaizany, dia tsy mba nety nivavaka tamin' ny sariolona volamena natsangan' i Nebokadnezara teo amin' ny tany lemaka Dora, koa dia natsipy tao anatin' ny lafaoro nisy afo mirehitra izy telo lahy. [1.38]
Biblical quotes  7  Chapters and verses mentioning Abednego
Tables and plates  8  Words classed by parts of speech

Updated on 2020/07/31