
Entry (1/2)1  Barsabasy
Part of speech  2  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  3  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in Malagasy  4  Joda Barsabasy. Isan' ny olona nanan-kaja teo amin'ny Fiangonana tao Jerosalema izy (Asa 15. 22), ary mpaminany koa (and. 32). Izy sy Silasy no notendrena hiaraka tamin' i Paoly sy Barnabasy hitondra ny taratasy avy tamin' ny konsilia tany Jerosalema ho any amin' ny Fiangonana tao Antiokia, ete, hampahafantarana ny Jentilisa, izay efa tonga Kristiana, ny zavatra tokony hotandremany. Ary tsy dia nitondra ny taratasy fotsiny ihany izy, fa «namporisika ny rahalahy tamin' ny teny maro koa, ka nampahery azy » (and. 32). Rehefa nitoetra teo elaela ihany izy, dia «nampandehanin' ny rahalahy soa aman-tsara », ka dia nody. Araka ny hevitry ny sasany, io Joda Barsabasy io dia rahalahin' i Josefa Barsabasy voalaza eo amin' ny Asa 1. 23, nefa tsy fantatra marina izany. [1.38]
Explanations in English  5  Judas Barsabas [2.996]
Explanations in French  6  Jude Barsabbas [2.996]
Biblical quotes  7  Chapters and verses mentioning Barsabasy
Tables and plates  8  Full list

Entry (2/2)9  Barsabasy
Part of speech  10  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  11  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in Malagasy  12  Josefa Barsabasy. Natao hoe Josto koa izy; ary anankiray tamin' ireo roa lahy nanaovan'ny Apostoly filokana hahafantarany izay tokony ho dimbin' i Jodasy Iskariota (Asa 1.23-25). Izany no ahafantarantsika fa mpianatr' i Jesosy izy hatramin' ny nanaovan' i Jaona batisa Azy ka hatramin' ny niakarany ho any an-danitra, (and. 21, 22). Misy milaza fa isan'ny mpianatra fito-polo lahy izy ; ary misy koa mihevitra fa izy sy Jodasy Barsabasy dia mpirahalahy. [1.38]
Explanations in English  13  Joseph called Barsabas who was surnamed Justus [2.996]
Explanations in French  14  Joseph Barsabbas [2.996]
Biblical quotes  15  Chapters and verses mentioning Barsabasy
Tables and plates  16  Full list

Updated on 2020/07/31