
Entry (1/6)1  Jakoba
Part of speech  2  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  3  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in Malagasy  4  Jakoba Patriarka. Zanak’ i Isaka sy Rebeka ary zandrin’ i Esao izy ; ary kambana izy mirahalahy... [1.38#432]
Biblical quotes  5  Chapters and verses mentioning Jakoba
Tables and plates  6  Full list
Article  7  Randzavola: Jakoba ao amin' ny Baiboly

Entry (2/6)8  Jakoba
Part of speech  9  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  10  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in Malagasy  11  Jakoba Apostoly. Zanak’ i Zebedio izy, ary isan’ ny Apostoly 12 lahy. Zokin’ i Jaona izy... [1.38#435]
Explanations in English  12  James, the son of Zebedee [2.996]
Explanations in French  13  Jacques, fils de Zébédée [2.996]
Examples  14  Ary Simona dia nomeny anarana hafa koa hoe Petera; ary jakoba, zanak' i Zebedio, sy Jaona, rahalahin' i jakoba; izy mirahalahy dia nomeny anarana hafa koa hoe Boanerjesy, izany hoe Zana-baratra; ary Andrea sy Filipo sy Bartolomeo sy Matio sy Tomasy sy jakoba, zanak' i Alfeo, sy Tadeo sy Simona Kananeana ary Jodasy Iskariota, ilay namadika Azy [2.996]
Biblical quotes  15  Chapters and verses mentioning Jakoba
Tables and plates  16  Full list
Article  17  Randzavola: Jakoba ao amin' ny Baiboly

Entry (3/6)18  Jakoba
Part of speech  19  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  20  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in Malagasy  21  Jakoba zanak' i Alfeo (angamba Klopasy). Tokony ho izy no ilay atao hoe "Jakoba Kely" (Mar. 15. 40) ... [1.38#432]
Explanations in English  22  James, the son of Alphaeus [3.1]
Explanations in French  23  Jacques, fils d'Alphée [3.1]
Biblical quotes  24  Chapters and verses mentioning Jakoba
Tables and plates  25  Full list
Article  26  Randzavola: Jakoba ao amin' ny Baiboly

Entry (4/6)27  Jakoba
Part of speech  28  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  29  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in Malagasy  30  Jakoba rahalahin' ny Tompo... [1.38#432]
Biblical quotes  31  Chapters and verses mentioning Jakoba
Tables and plates  32  Full list
Article  33  Randzavola: Jakoba ao amin' ny Baiboly

Entry (5/6)34  Jakoba
Part of speech  35  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  36  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in Malagasy  37  Jakoba rain' i Jodasy (tsy Iskariota). Tsy misy fantatra ny aminy, afa-tsy izay voalaza amin’ ny teny indraim-bava ao amin’ ny Lio 6. 16. [1.38#432]
Biblical quotes  38  Chapters and verses mentioning Jakoba
Tables and plates  39  Full list
Article  40  Randzavola: Jakoba ao amin' ny Baiboly

Entry (6/6)41  Jakoba
Part of speech  42  name (biblical book)
Vocabulary  43  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in Malagasy  44  Epistily nosoratan' i Jakoba [1.38#436]
Explanations in English  45  Letter of James [3.1]
Explanations in French  46  Epitre de Saint Jacques [3.1]

Updated on 2024/09/10