
Entry (1/2)1  masonkarena
Elementary words  2  maso, harena
Part of speech  3  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  4  [1.1] Izay lany rehetra tamin' ny nahazoana sy nanamboarana zavatra iray amidy: Tsy azoko amidy efajato ariary io latabatra io satria dimanjato ny masonkarena taminy
5  [1.13] fitambaran'ny saram-pividianana sy ny saram-panodinana
Explanations in English  6  [1.7] the cost price; capital used in business
Explanations in French  7  [1.8] prix de revient; capital investi dans une affaire
8  [1.13] prix de revient
Examples  9  Nisondrotra ny masonkarena tamin' ny fanaovam-boky. [2.356#]
Vocabulary  10  Economy: finances, management
Proverbs  11  Proverbs containing the word masonkarena

Entry (2/2)12  Masonkarena
Elementary words  13  maso, harena
Part of speech  14  name (ethnonym)
Examples  15  Nisy faritra efatra tao amin' ny menabe, dia ny Ombalahifotsy, ny Beminono, ny masonkarena ary ny Dimanjehy. [2.508]
Vocabulary  16  Geography: countries, people

Anagrams  17  Masonkarena, masonkarena, nanakoseram, nanasokeram

Updated on 2025/02/08