
Entry1  Talaotra (alaotra)
Part of speech  2  name (ethnonym)
Vocabulary  3  History: clans, tribes
Explanations in Malagasy  4  Ny Arabo [1.1#913]5  mpiavy arabo niorimponenana tany amin'ny faritra avaratra andrefana sy atsimo atsinanan'i Madagasikara [1.13]
Explanations in English  6  the Arabs; lit. the people from beyond the sea. [1.2]7  The Antalaotra were an Islamized group of Arab antecedents living on the west coast of Madagascar. They provided ritual specialists to several ruling groups, but were mainly active in trade and flourished with the development of the Swahili trading network that involved east Africa, Zanzibar, and the Comoros Islands in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In the early eighteenth century their trading posts on the west coast were conquered by the Sakalava, with whose ruling dynasties they later intermarried. Their position was strengthened by the conversion of several of these dynasties to Islam in the nineteenth century. The Merina conquest of Mahajanga, however, disturbed their political position and economic activities; the end of the slave trade that came with the French conquest in 1895 led to their disappearance as an economically distinct group. [2.552#33]
Explanations in French  8  les Arabes, en particulier ceux de Mojangà [1.3#656]9  Les Arabes, en particulier ceux de Mojangà [1.3#656]10  premiers immigrants arabes [1.13]
Examples  11  Ary ny anaran'ny Karana sy ny talaotra i Boana Soloho [2.366#]
12  nankato ny vahoaka, nandroso ny varotra nataon' ny talaotra [2.113#19]
Other spellings  13  antalaotra, antalaotra
Elementary words  14  t~, alaotra

Updated on 2024/03/03