
Entry (1/2)1  harendrina
Part of speech  2  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Afo arehitra amin'ny bozaka voafatotra amin'ny hazo lavalava, na fanilo entina mandehandeha manodidina ny trano amin' ny andro fandroana na fetim-pirenena malagasy, mba handroaka ny fanahy ratsy tsy hanembantsembana ny fifalian'ny velona [1.1]
Explanations in English  4  Torches of grass, etc., kindled by each family outside the house of the two evenings immediately preceding the annual festival of the fandroana. [1.2]
Explanations in French  5  Feux de joie du fandroana [1.3#213]
Examples  6  Ny harendrina dia toy ny marika entina mampaha-tsiaro fa tonga ny Fandroana. [2.857]
7  Active verbs :
8  Nouns :
Compound words 

Entry (2/2)10  harendrina
Part of speech  11  noun
Vocabulary  12  Zoology: invertebrates
Explanations in Malagasy  13  Karazana bibikely, manjelanjelatra rehefa manidina amin' ny alina, angamenavava [1.1#415]
Explanations in French  14  Luciole, ver luisant [1.3#213]
Other spellings  15  hirendrina, karendrina, kirendrina, kirendri

Updated on 2024/07/05