| 1 hawk  |
bemanana | 2 hawk ~ [manana, to have.] A large bird of prey, a species of hawk or falcon. |
feheaky | 3 hawk ~ name for a species of hawk. Same as <1fihiaka#> |
fihiaka | 4 hawk ~ A species of long-legged hawk (gymnogene). Polyboroides radiatus, Scop. Same as fiaky, fieka, feheaky, and voronomby |
fihiaky | 5 hawk ~ name for a species of hawk. Same as <1fihiaka#> |
ifihika | 6 hawk ~ a species of gymnogene, or long-legged hawk. Same as fihiaka |
feka | 7 hawk ~ name for a species of hawk. Same as <1fihiaka#> |
fiaky | 8 hawk ~ name for a species of hawk. Same as <1fihiaka#> |
fandrasa | 9 hawk ~ [Mod. s. from mandrasa (rasa).] A species of long-legged hawk. Scelospizias franciscoe, Sm. Same as firasa. |
firasy | 10 hawk ~ the name of two species of hawk (Betsim.): A sparrow-hawk, Nisus madagascariensis, Verr., called also vandraokibo, i.e. "Quail eater" (Sak.), and another, resembling the sparrow-hawks, Nisoides Morelii, Pollen. |
papango | 11 hawk (a) |