Entry (1/2) | 1 masonkarena |
Elementary words | 2 maso, harena |
Part of speech | 3 noun |
Explanations in Malagasy |
4 [1.1] Izay lany rehetra tamin' ny nahazoana sy nanamboarana zavatra iray amidy: Tsy azoko amidy efajato ariary io latabatra io satria dimanjato ny masonkarena taminy 5 [1.13] fitambaran'ny saram-pividianana sy ny saram-panodinana |
Explanations in English |
6 [1.7] the cost price; capital used in business |
Explanations in French |
7 [1.8] prix de revient; capital investi dans une affaire 8 [1.13] prix de revient |
Examples |
9 Nisondrotra ny masonkarena tamin' ny fanaovam-boky. [2.356#] |
Vocabulary |
10 Economy: finances, management |
Proverbs | 11 Proverbs containing the word masonkarena |
Entry (2/2) | 12 Masonkarena |
Elementary words | 13 maso, harena |
Part of speech | 14 name (ethnonym) |
Examples |
15 Nisy faritra efatra tao amin' ny menabe, dia ny Ombalahifotsy, ny Beminono, ny masonkarena ary ny Dimanjehy. [2.508] |
Vocabulary |
16 Geography: countries, people |
Anagrams | 17 Masonkarena, masonkarena, nanakoseram, nanasokeram |
Updated on 2025/02/08 |
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