
Entry (1/4)1  sera-
Part of speech  2  morphological form of serana

Entry (2/4)3  sera
Part of speech  4  noun
Vocabulary  5  Botany: grass
Explanations in English  6  A shrub [1.2]
Compound words 

Entry (3/4)8  Sera
Part of speech  9  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  10  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in English  11  Serah [2.996]
Explanations in French  12  Sérah [2.996]
Biblical quotes  13  Chapters and verses mentioning Sera
Tables and plates  14  Full list

Entry (4/4)15  sera
Part of speech  16  morphological form of
Examples  17  Il sera malade (Harary izy) [1.20]
18  Ce ne sera pas perdu (Tsy ho very izany)]

Anagrams  19  resa, sare, sera

Updated on 2023/09/15