
Chapters and verses mentioning Asfeneza

  Book of Daniel Daniela Daniely Livre de Daniel
Dan / Da 1.3 And the king spake unto Ashpenaz the master of his eunuchs, that he should bring certain of the children of Israel, and of the king' s seed, and of the princes; Ary ny mpanjaka nandidy an' i Aspenaza, lehiben' ny tandapany, hitondra ny sasany amin' ny Zanak' Isiraely, dia amin' ny zanak' andriana na amin' ny ambony firazanana, Nanome teny an' i Asfeneza, lehiben' ny eonokany, ny mpanjaka, hitondra ny sasantsasany amin' ny zanak' Israely izay isan' ny taranak' andriana, na izay avo razana, Le roi dit à Ashpenaz, chef de ses eunuques, de prendre d' entre les gens d' Israël quelques enfants de race royale ou de grande famille