
Chapters and verses mentioning Foiniksa

  The Acts of the Apostles Asa Asa Les Actes des Apôtres
Asa 27.12 And because the haven was not commodious to winter in, the more part advised to depart thence also, if by any means they might attain to Phenice, and there to winter; which is an haven of Crete, and lieth toward the south west and north west. Ary satria ny fitodian-tsambo teo dia tsy tsara hitoerana amin' ny ririnina, dia nataon' ny maro fa tsara raha miala, fandrao mba ho tonga any Foiniksa ahay handany ny ririnina any; fitodian-tsambo any Kreta izany ka manatrika mianatsimo-andrefana sy mianavaratra-andrefana. Ary tsy tsara hitoerana amin' ny ririnina ny fitodian-tsambo teo, ka dia nataon' ny maro fa tsara ny miala eo sy manao izay hahatongavana any Fenisy, dia handany ny ririnina any; fitodian-tsambo any Kreta izany, izay manatrika ny rivotra avy any atsimo andrefana sy avaratra andrefana. le port se prêtait d' ailleurs mal à l' hivernage. La plupart furent donc d' avis de partir et de gagner, si possible, pour y passer l' hiver, Phénix, un port de Crète tourné vers le sud-ouest et le nord-ouest.