
Chapters and verses mentioning Kornelio

  The Acts of the Apostles Asa Asa Les Actes des Apôtres
Asa 10.1 There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of the band called the Italian band, Ary nisy lehilahy anankiray tany Kaisaria, atao hoe Kornelio, kapiteny tamin' ny antokon' ny miaramila atao hoe Italiana; Ary tany Sezarea nisy lehilahy anankiray atao hoe Kornely, kapiteny tamin' ny antoko miaramila atao hoe Italiana. Il y avait à Césarée un homme du nom de Corneille, centurion de la cohorte Italique.
Asa 10.3 He saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an angel of God coming in to him, and saying unto him, Cornelius. Ary izy nahita miharihary tamin' ny fahitana, rehefa tokony ho tamin' ny ora fahasivy antoandro, fa, indro, nisy anjelin' Andriamanitra niditra tao aminy ka nanao taminy hoe: Ry Kornelio. Indray antoandro tokony ho tamin' ny ora fahasivy, dia nisy anjelin' Andriamanitra anankiray hitany miharihary tamin' ny tsindrimandry, niditra tao aminy, sy nilaza taminy hoe: Ry Kornely! Il eut une vision. Vers la neuvième heure du jour, l' Ange de Dieu - il le voyait clairement - entrait chez lui et l' appelait : " Corneille ! "
Asa 10.7 And when the angel which spake unto Cornelius was departed, he called two of his household servants, and a devout soldier of them that waited on him continually; Ary rehefa lasa ny anjely izay niteny tamin' i Kornelio, dia niantso roa lahy tamin' ny mpanompony izy sy miaramila mpivavaka anankiray isan' izay nanaraka azy isan' andro. Nony lasa ilay anjely niteny taminy, dia niantso roa lahy tamin' ny mpanompony Kornely sy miaramila anankiray tia vavaka, anisan' izay nanao raharaha taminy, Quand l' ange qui lui parlait fut parti, Corneille appela deux de ses domestiques ainsi qu' un soldat pieux, de ceux qui lui étaient attachés,
Asa 10.17 Now while Peter doubted in himself what this vision which he had seen should mean, behold, the men which were sent from Cornelius had made enquiry for Simon' s house, and stood before the gate, Ary raha mbola nieritreritra tao am-pony Petera ny amin' izay anton' ny fahitana efa hitany, dia, indreo, ny olona izay nirahin' i Kornelio nanontany ny tranon' i Simona ka nijanona teo am-bavahady, Mbola mieritreritra ny hevitry ny zavatra hitany tamin' ny tsindrimandry eo Piera no izay tonga ao am-bavahady ny irak' i Kornely nanontany ny tranon' i Simona. Tout perplexe, Pierre était à se demander en lui-même ce que pouvait bien signifier la vision qu' il venait d' avoir, quand justement les hommes envoyés par Corneille, s'étant enquis de la maison de Simon, se présentèrent au portail.
Asa 10.22 And they said, Cornelius the centurion, a just man, and one that feareth God, and of good report among all the nation of the Jews, was warned from God by an holy angel to send for thee into his house, and to hear words of thee. Dia hoy ireo: Kornelio kapiteny, lehilahy marina sady matahotra an' Andriamanitra ka tsara laza amin' ny firenen' ny Jiosy rehetra, dia efa notoroan' anjely masina hevitra hampaka anao ho any an-tranony sy hihaino teny avy aminao. Ary hoy ny navalin' ireo: Kornely kapiteny, lehilahy marina sy matahotra an' Andriamanitra ary ankasitrahan' ny Jody rehetra, no nahazo teny tamin' ny anjely masina anankiray mba hampaka anao ho any an-tranony, sy hihaino ny teninao. Ils répondirent : " Le centurion Corneille, homme juste et craignant Dieu, à qui toute la nation juive rend bon témoignage, a reçu d' un ange saint l' avis de te faire venir chez lui et d' entendre les paroles que tu as à dire. "
Asa 10.24 And the morrow after they entered into Caesarea. And Cornelius waited for them, and he had called together his kinsmen and near friends. Ary nony ampitso indray dia tonga tany Kaisaria izy. Ary Kornelio niandry azy sady efa nampiangona ny havany sy ny tena sakaizany. Ny ampitson' izay indray, dia niditra tao Sezarea izy. Efa niandry azy izany ry Kornely mbamin' ny havany sy ny sakaiza malalany izay nangoniny. Il entra dans Césarée le jour suivant. Corneille les attendait et avait réuni ses parents et ses amis intimes.
Asa 10.25 And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him, and fell down at his feet, and worshipped him. Ary raha vao niditra Petera, dia nitsena azy Kornelio ka niankohoka teo amin' ny tongony sady nitsaoka azy. Vao niditra Piera, dia notsenain' i Kornely, ka sady niankohoka teo an-tongony izy no nitsaoka azy. Au moment où Pierre entrait, Corneille vint à sa rencontre et, tombant à ses pieds, se prosterna.
Asa 10.30 And Cornelius said, Four days ago I was fasting until this hour; and at the ninth hour I prayed in my house, and, behold, a man stood before me in bright clothing, Dia hoy Kornelio: Loak' andro afak' omaly, mandra-paha-toy izao ny andro, raha nivavaka teto an-tranoko aho mandritra ny ora fahasivy, dia, indro, nisy lehilahy niakanjo akanjo mamirapiratra nitsangana teto anatrehako Dia hoy Kornely: Hefarana androany izay, raha nivavaka sy nifady hanina tao an-tranoko aho, dia indro nisy lehilahy niakanjo fotsy nitsangana teo anatrehako tamin' ny ora fahasivy, ka nanao hoe: Corneille répondit : " Il y a maintenant trois jours, j'étais en prière chez moi à la neuvième heure et voici qu' un homme surgit devant moi, en vêtements resplendissants.
Asa 10.31 And said, Cornelius, thy prayer is heard, and thine alms are had in remembrance in the sight of God. ka nanao hoe: Ry Kornelio, efa re ny fivavakao, ary efa tsarovana eo anatrehan' Andriamanitra ny fiantranao. Ry Kornely, nekena ny vavakao, ary notsarovana eo anatrehan' Andriamanitra ny fiantranao. Il me dit : "Corneille, ta prière a été exaucée, et de tes aumônes on s' est souvenu auprès de Dieu.
Asa 11.12 And the Spirit bade me go with them, nothing doubting. Moreover these six brethren accompanied me, and we entered into the man' s house: Dia nasain' ny Fanahy hiaraka tamin' ireo aho ka tsy hizaha tavan' olona na dia kely akory aza. Ary niaraka tamiko koa ireto rahalahy enina ireto, ka niditra tao an-tranon-dralehilahy izahay. Ary hoy ny Fanahy Masina tamiko: Aza misalasala hiaraka amin' izy ireo. Dia niaraka tamiko koa ireto rahalahy enina ireto, ka niditra tao an-tranon' i Kornely izahay. L' Esprit me dit de les accompagner sans scrupule. Les six frères que voici vinrent également avec moi et nous entrâmes chez l' homme en question.