
Chapters and verses mentioning Ahisara

  1st Book of Kings 1 Mpanjaka Mpanjaka I 1er Livre des Rois
1Mp 4.6 And Ahishar was over the household: and Adoniram the son of Abda was over the tribute. ary Ahisara no lehiben' ny tao an-dapa; ary Adonirama, zanak' i Abda, no komandin' ny mpanao fanompoana. Ahisara no lehiben' ny tao an-dapa; ary Adonirama zanak' i Abdà no mpiadidy ny momba ny fanompoana. Ahishar, maître du palais. Éliab fils de Joab, chef de l' armée. Adoram fils d' Abda, chef de la corvée.