
Chapters and verses mentioning Dibry

  The Gospel according to Matthew Matio Matio L'Évangile selon Saint Matthieu
Mat / Mt 27.57 When the even was come, there came a rich man of Arimathaea, named Joseph, who also himself was Jesus' disciple: Ary nony hariva ny andro, dia avy ny lehilahy manan-karena anankiray, avy any Arimatia, ny anarany atao hoe Josefa, ary izy koa dia mpianatr' i Jesosy. Nony hariva ny andro, dia nisy lehilahy manan-karena anankiray avy any Arimatia atao hoe Josefa, izay mpianatr' i Jeso koa, Le soir venu, il vint un homme riche d' Arimathie, du nom de Joseph, qui s'était fait, lui aussi, disciple de Jésus.

  The Gospel according to Mark Marka Marka L'Évangile selon Saint Marc
Mar / Mk 15.43 Joseph of Arimathaea, an honourable counsellor, which also waited for the kingdom of God, came, and went in boldly unto Pilate, and craved the body of Jesus. dia avy Josefa avy any Arimatia, lehilahy manan-kaja, izay isan' ny Synedriona sady niandry ny fanjakan' Andriamanitra koa; ary sahy niditra tao amin' i Pilato izy ka nangataka ny fatin' i Jesosy. dia tonga Josefa avy any Arimatia, loholona malaza izay nanantena ny fanjakan' Andriamanitra koa. Sahy nanatona an' i Pilaty izy, nangataka ny vatan' i Jeso. Joseph d' Arimathie, membre notable du Conseil, qui attendait lui aussi le Royaume de Dieu, s' en vint hardiment trouver Pilate et réclama le corps de Jésus.
Mar / Mk 15.45 And when he knew it of the centurion, he gave the body to Joseph. Ary rehefa nahare tamin' ny kapiteny izy, dia nomeny an' i Josefa ny faty. Nony reny ny filazan' ilay kapiteny, dia nomeny an' i Josefa ny faty. Informé par le centurion, il octroya le corps à Joseph.
Mar / Mk 15.46 And he bought fine linen, and took him down, and wrapped him in the linen, and laid him in a sepulchre which was hewn out of a rock, and rolled a stone unto the door of the sepulchre. Ary izy nividy hariry madinika, dia nampidininy ny fatin' i Jesosy ka nofonosiny hariry madinika, ary naleviny tao amin' ny fasana, izay nolavahana tamin' ny vatolampy, dia nanakodia vato ho eo amin' ny varavaran' ny fasana izy. Dia nividy lamba Josefa, ka nony efa nampidina ny maty dia namono lamba azy, sy nandevina azy tamin' ny fasana nolavahana tamin' ny vato, ary nanakodia ny vato tamin' ny varavaram-pasana. Celui-ci, ayant acheté un linceul, descendit Jésus, l' enveloppa dans le linceul et le déposa dans une tombe qui avait été taillée dans le roc ; puis il roula une pierre à l' entrée du tombeau.