
Entry1  fosaina
Root  2  fosa
Part of speech  3  passive verb
Explanations in Malagasy  4  [1.1] Haratsina, zimbaina, hamavoina: Toa nofosainareo adiny iray maninjitra, hono, aho!
Lazaina ny hadisoana takona nataon' ilay tenenina: Aza fosaina ny namanao fa aleo vandana imaso, hoy ny Ntaolo, toy izay vandana ivoho
Explanations in English  5  [1.2] to be backbitten, to be scandalized.
6  [1.7] to be slandered
Explanations in French  7  [1.8] qu'on calomnie
8  Present :
9  Past :
10  Future :
11  Imperative :
Compound words 
Proverbs  15  Proverbs containing the word fosaina

Anagrams  16  afosany, anofisa, asafony, fisaona, fosaina, ifosana, isafoan, nisafoa, ofasañy, safinao, safoina

Updated on 2025/01/21