
Entry1  ireto
Root  2  ito
Part of speech  3  pronoun [Full list]
Explanations in Malagasy  4  [1.1] Enti-manondro zavatra na olona maro mitovy halaviran-toerana lazaina amin' ny "ito" na "ity": Avoahy any ireto zaza ireto fa mitabataba
Explanations in English  5  [1.2#291] those, these. Plural of ito, which is obsolete except in compounds
6  [1.7.en#32] these quite near (in sight)
Explanations in French  7  [1.3] ceux-ci, celles-ci; ces
8  [1.8] ceux-ci, tout près (visibles)
Examples  9  Tsy nisy niteny ireto namany. [2.499]
10  Ahoana re no nahazoana ireto vary ireto? [2.48]
11  Ho fahatsiarovana an' ireto ray aman-dreniko, izay samy efa nodimandry ireto [2.559]
Tables and plates  12  All the pronouns

Anagrams  13  ireto, oreti

Updated on 2025/02/02