
Entry1  mihaja
Root  2  haja
Part of speech  3  adjective
Explanations in Malagasy  4  [1.1] Mendrika homem-boninahitra: Mihaja io vehivavy io
Sarotiny: Mihaja amin' ny akanjo io tovolahy io
Fitondra amin' ny andro lehibe, tsara, ambony vidy: Akanjo mihaja ~ Fanaka mihaja
Explanations in English  5  [1.2] kept carefully, esteemed, valued; respected.
6  [1.7] to be respectable, to be held in esteem; respectable
Explanations in French  7  [1.8] être respecté, honorable
Examples  8  Sady amin' izay mihaja fihetsika sy maotimaotina ery. [2.4]
9  Trano tsara tarehy sy mihaja no nivantanan-dry zareo. [2.472]

Anagrams  10  hajaim, mahajy, mihaja

Updated on 2025/01/21