
Entry (1/2)1  sokina
Part of speech  2  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  3  SOkona [1.1]

Entry (2/2)4  sokina
Part of speech  5  noun
Vocabulary  6  Zoology: mammals
Explanations in Malagasy  7  Biby misy tsilotsilony mandrakotra ny lamosiny, mpihinam-bibikely (ny sokina dia anisan' ny biby voalaza ho mahasoa noho izy mihinana ireo kankana, bibikely, bibimandady fatra-panimba zavatra), halavany: 20 sm. [1.1]
Explanations in English  8  greater hedgehog tenrec (Setifer setosus) [5.en.https://www.tenrec.org]
Explanations in French  9  hérisson [1.54, 1.8]
10  tenrec [1.8]
11  grand tenrec hérisson [5.fr.https://www.tenrec.org]
Explanations in German  12  Großer Igeltanrek [5.de.https://www.tenrec.org]
Examples  13  sokina manatona afo mantsy izato izy leiroa. [2.895#90]
14  Ny tanàna ahiny tsy iakaran-kibobo na sokina. [2.588#]
15  Tao koa ny oviala, ovy fantaka, vomanga dia, sokina, trandraka, sorakely sy ny sisa. [2.643#37]
Compound words 
Scientific name 
Proverbs  20  Proverbs containing the word sokina
Article  21  Randzavola: sokina ao amin' ny Baiboly

Anagrams  22  kosina, sokina

Updated on 2023/07/14