
Entry (1/2)1  mpanjaka (zaka)
Part of speech  2  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Olona voahosotra na atsangana ho mpitondra ny fanjakana, izay sady mitondra no manapaka ary mandidy, ka fahefana ifandovana no ananany izany [1.1]
Explanations in English  4  The sovereign [1.2]
Explanations in French  5  Roi, reine, souverain [1.3]
Examples  6  Ary izao no teny nataon' ilay olonkendry tamy ny mpanjaka: [2.293]
7  Rahefa maty, hono, ny mpanjaka taloha, tsy mba natao hoe "maty" fa "miamboho", ary rahefa nalevina, tsy mba natao hoe "nalevina" fa "nafenina". [2.472]
8  Simple :
Compound words 
Proverbs  12  Proverbs containing the word mpanjaka
Article  13  Randzavola: mpanjaka ao amin' ny Baiboly

Entry (2/2)14  Mpanjaka
Part of speech  15  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  16  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in English  17  Two of the books of the Bible: 1 Kings, 2 Kings [2.996]
Explanations in French  18  Deux des livres de la Bible: 1 Rois, 2 Rois [2.996]
Tables and plates  19  Full list
Article  20  Randzavola: Bokin' ny Mpanjaka ao amin' ny Baiboly

Updated on 2023/01/20