
Entry1  Rajaonarivelo Auguste
Part of speech  2  name (anthroponym)
Vocabulary  3  History: individuals
4  Literature: authors
Explanations in Malagasy  5  Rajaonarivelo Auguste (1890-1957) (Anarana indrana: Auguste Rajon, Astre) [3.1]
6  Anisan' ny mpanoratra manan-talenta sy mikaly indrindra ary nanoratra betsaka koa Auguste Rajon - izay anarana indrana ihany, toy ny hoe Astre koa - fa Auguste Rajaonarivelo (1890-1957) no tena anarany. [2.314]
Elementary words  7  Rajaonarivelo, Auguste
Literary works  8  Angolangolan' ny Tanora
9  Havesatry ny harena
10  Robin' Ikamadonto
11  1933 Bina
12  1958/02/27 Antananarivo miantsena
13  1959 Afon' Antongona
Tables and plates  14  Full list

Updated on 2023/11/20