

Sal 99:1 The Lord reigneth; let the people tremble: he sitteth between the cherubims; let the earth be moved. Jehovah no Mpanjaka aoka hangovitra ny firenena; Mipetraka amin' ny kerobima Izy, aoka hihorohoro ny tany. Mpanjaka Iaveh; mangovitra ny firenena; mipetraka eo amin' ny Kerobima izy; mangozohozo ny tany. Yahvé règne, les peuples tremblent; il siège sur les Chérubins, la terre chancelle;
Sal 99:2 The Lord is great in Zion; and he is high above all the people. Lehibe any Ziona Jehovah; Ary avo ambonin' ny firenena rehetra Izy. Lehibe ao Siona Iaveh, tafasandratra ambonin' ny firenena izy. dans Sion Yahvé est grand. Il s' exalte, lui, par-dessus tous les peuples;
Sal 99:3 Let them praise thy great and terrible name; for it is holy. Aoka hidera ny anaranao lehibe sy mahatahotra ireo; Fa masina Jehovah. Hoderaina anie ny anaranao, sady lehibe no mahatahotra. - Masina izy. qu' ils célèbrent ton nom grand et redoutable il est saint, lui,
Sal 99:4 The king' s strength also loveth judgment; thou dost establish equity, thou executest judgment and righteousness in Jacob. Ny herin' ny mpanjaka dia tia rariny; Ampitoerinao ny fahitsiana; Fitsarana sy fahamarinana no ataonao eo amin' i Jakoba. Hoderaina anie ny herin' ny Mpanjaka, izay tia ny rariny. Manamafy ny fahitsiana hianao, mitsara araka ny rariny sy ny hitsiny eo amin' i Jakoba hianao. et puissant. Le roi qui aime le jugement, c' est toi; tu as fondé droiture, jugement et justice, en Jacob c' est toi qui agis.
Sal 99:5 Exalt ye the Lord our God, and worship at his footstool; for he is holy. Manandrata an' i Jehovah Andriamanitsika ianareo, Ka miankohofa eo amin' ny fitoeran-tongony; Fa masina Izy. Mankalazà an' ny Tompo Andriamanitsika, ary miankohofa eo anatrehan' ny lampihazo ipetrahan' ny tongony. - Fa Masina izy. Exaltez Yahvé notre Dieu, prosternez-vous vers son marchepied lui, il est saint.
Sal 99:6 Moses and Aaron among his priests, and Samuel among them that call upon his name; they called upon the Lord, and he answered them. Mosesy sy Arona tamin' ny mpisorony, Ary Samoela tamin' izay mpiantso ny anarany, Niantso an' i Jehovah ireo, ary namaly: azy Izy. Moizy sy Aarona dia anisan' ireo mpisorony, ary Samoela isan' ireo miantso ny anarany, dia niantso an' ny Tompo, ka novaliany. Moïse, Aaron parmi ses prêtres, et Samuel, appelant son nom, en appelaient à Yahvé et lui, il leur répondait.
Sal 99:7 He spake unto them in the cloudy pillar: they kept his testimonies, and the ordinance that he gave them. Niteny taminy tao anatin' ny andri-rahona Izy; Nitandrina ny teni-vavolombelony izy ireo, Dia ny didy izay efa nomeny azy. Niteny tamin' ireo tao amin' ny andry rahona izy; nitandrina ny didiny izy ireo sy ny lalàna izay efa nomeny azy ireo. Dans la colonne de nuée, il parlait avec eux; eux gardaient ses témoignages, la Loi qu' il leur donna.
Sal 99:8 Thou answeredst them, O Lord our God: thou wast a God that forgavest them, though thou tookest vengeance of their inventions. Jehovah Andriamanitray ô, Hianao no namaly ny nataony; Andriamanitra, Mpamela ny helony, Hianao, Na dia namaly azy noho ny nataony aza. Ry Iaveh Andriamanitray ô, nekenao ny fangatahanay; Andriamanitra be indrafo ho azy ireo hianao, ary namaly azy tamin' ny hadisoany. Yahvé notre Dieu, toi, tu leur répondais, Dieu de pardon que tu étais pour eux, mais te vengeant de leurs méfaits.
Sal 99:9 Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at his holy hill; for the Lord our God is holy. Asandrato Jehovah Andriamanitsika, Ary miankohofa eo an-tendrombohiny masina; Fa masina Jehovah Andriamanitsika. Mankalazà an' ny Tompo Andriamanitsika, ary miankohofa eo anatrehan' ny tendrombohiny masina, fa masina Iaveh Andriamanitsika. Exaltez Yahvé notre Dieu, prosternez-vous vers sa sainte montagne saint est Yahvé notre Dieu.
