
  Quotes : babakoto

1890Catat Louis : Voyage à Madagascar
page 35
Un silence presque absolu règne dans la forêt. Nous n'entendons qu'une fois les hurlements mélancoliques des babakoto et nous ne voyons que rarement des perroquets noirs et des pigeons verts

1915Sibree James : A Naturalist in Madagascar
page 67
more than once we saw small companies of lemurs high over our heads, leaping with wonderful agility from branch to branch, and uttering their peculiar cry. These cries could often be heard when the animals were not seen, and sounded almost like the cry of children; and to myself there was always something pleasant in it, as that of living creatures rejoicing in their freedom in these boundless forests.

1996Quammen David : The Song of the Dodo
page 505
The indri, largest of all surviving lemurs, is also the most spectacularly peculiar. Its neck is long, its limbs are lanky, its eyes glow yellow brown in a gawky black jackal-like face. Its ears are smallish and round, like a koala's... it moves through the forest without touching the ground -- by making broad jumps from the trunk of one tree to another, sometimes twenty or twenty-five feet across gaps.
page 505
The song of the indri is an unearthly sound. It carries through the forest for more than a mile... It has been said to be one of the loudest noises made by any living creature. It's a sliding howl, eerie but beautiful, like a cross between the call of the humpback whale and a saxophone riff by Charlie Parker.

Goodman Steven M., Benstead Jonathan P. : The Natural History of Madagascar
page 1343
Where Indri are present, their loud territorial vocalizations, or rather songs, are certainly one of the most impressive and memorable sounds of a Malagasy forest. These songs may be heard as far away as 1000-2000 meters... A typical Indri song emitted by individuals of a group, all or at least partially together, may last from 45 seconds to more than 3 minutes in length... The songs are typically introduced with a communal "roar" that is sustained for several seconds and precedes the song proper... The notes produced during the song are highly variable, but a general pattern can be recognized. Especially long notes (up to 5 seconds in duration) occur more commmonly at the beginning of the song, just after the "roar" sequence. After this "long note sequence," a wailing phrase becomes especially prominent, usually beginning with a high note, followed by one or several notes of progressively lower starting frequency ("descending phrase sequence"). Frequently, two or more Indri coordinate the timing of their descending phrases to achieve a stable duet pattern.