
Entry1  am-boalohany
Elementary words  2  loha
Part of speech  3  adverb [Full list]
Explanations in English  4  [1.7][amboalohany] at the beginning, to begin with
Explanations in French  5  [1.3#843] au commencement, au début
6  [1.8][amboalohany] au commencement
Examples  7  Tsy mba kibo akory no nilazana io toerana io tao amboalohany. [1.328]
8  Nisy faritra telo voalazan'ny lovantsofina fa nivelaran'ny Foko Vezo hatrany amboalohany. [2.508]
Proverbs  9  Proverbs containing the word am-boalohany

Anagrams  10  am-boalohany, holambainao

Updated on 2025/01/21