
Entry (1/2)1  dingadingana
Part of speech  2  noun
Explanations in English  3  [1.2] a kind of fish (Prov.)
4  [3.1] sea cucumber, trepang
Explanations in French  5  [1.19] [Tankarana] nom d'un poisson de mer ; sorte d'oursin, holothurie (...chinodermes).
6  [3.1] concombre de mer, holothurie, trépang
Vocabulary  7  Zoology: invertebrates

Entry (2/2)9  dingadingana
Part of speech  10  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  11  [1.1] Karazan-javamaniry (Psiadia dodonaefolia)
Explanations in English  12  [1.2] a shrub, the leaves of which are used for annealing new water-pitchers; the latter are heated and then rubbed with the leaves. The leaves are also used for condyloma; the sihanaka use them for scabies. Psiadia dodonaefolia, St.
Explanations in French  13  [1.3] arbuste, Psiadia dodonaefolia, St.
14  [1.196] (de dingana : action d'enjamber, de sauter par dessus un obstacle, d'empiéter sur autre chose). Nom donné à diverses plantes réputées envahissantes Principalement :
Psiadia altissima (DC.) Drake (Asteraceae). Voir dingadinga [Merina]
15  [Bezanozano]
16  [Betsimisaraka]
17  [Tanala] Dombeya linearifolia Hochr. (Malvaceae). [Tankarana]
Examples  18  Ny dingadingana namoa tsy an-dravina ny hazotokana namoa tsy am-bony ary ny paiso nandika taona ka nahoana re no nanjary niova toy izany izy, razoky? [2.131#418]
19  Vinitra ery izy nidina ny fasana, nosavasavainy maika toa nampitahotra azy ireo vero sy dingadingana milobolobo ary nirintona nanitsy ny tranony, tsy vonona hanohy lalao intsony. [2.470#30]
Vocabulary  20  Botany: medicinal plants
Scientific name 

Updated on 2025/02/02