
Entry (1/3)1  famoizana
Root  2  foy
Part of speech  3  noun
Explanations in English  4  [1.7] rejection, abandonment ; renunciation
Explanations in French  5  [1.3] L’action d’abandonner, de renoncer
Les souvenirs donnés aux défunts le matin du premier jour de l’an ou fandroana
6  [1.8] action de renoncer, de perdre
Examples  7  dia lasan'Andriamanitra nanao azy Rasoanorovelo, dia nihatra ny famoizana azy! [2.59#]
Vocabulary  8  Emotions
Compound words 

Entry (2/3)11  famoizana
Root  12  foy
Part of speech  13  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  14  [1.1] Fahavakisana vay, famoahana nana
Vocabulary  15  Health

Entry (3/3)16  famoizana
Root  17  foy
Part of speech  18  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  19  [1.1] Fanononan-tena fa tsy hahita ny very na ny maty intsony
Zavatra atao ho mariky ny fanaovam-beloma farany ny maty iray: Itỳ lambamena itỳ no Tara famoizana an' Itompokolahy
Fanomezana tanteraka: Misaotra erampo amin' ny famoizanareo fotoana sy vola mba hanampiana anay
Explanations in English  20  [1.2] Any medicine or charm used on recovering from illness to prevent a relapse.
A charm given to make one forget a past evil, a misfortune, a deceased parent, or to a child to make it forget its mother, etc.
the last ceremonies performed for the dead. See afana
Vocabulary  21  Health
22  Religions, Beliefs

Updated on 2025/02/02