
Entry (1/3)1  haratra
Part of speech  2  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  3  [1.1] Fanakakasana ny volo amin' ny hareza na amin' ny lelan' antsy maranitra
Explanations in English  4  [1.7] the act of shaving
Explanations in French  5  [1.8] action de se raser
Examples  6  Tandremo tsy haratra intsony ilay faritra. [2.424#]
7  Dia izahay telo mianaka lehilahy no nametraka sy namatotra ny haratra sy ny latsy. [2.472#]
8  Active verbs :
9  Passive verbs :
10  Relative verbs :
11  Names :
12  Adjectives :

Entry (2/3)14  haratra
Part of speech  15  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  16  [1.1] Hazo lava mampitohy ny tapenaka roa eo antenatenany ambony kely (haratra ambony) ary eo ambany (haratra ambany) andany roan' ny vovonana, ka ipetrahan' ny lohatrano
17  [1.78] [Sihanaka] hazo lolohavin'ny andriambo
Explanations in English  18  [1.2] the purlins in the roof of a house.
19  [1.7] a purlin or lengthwise stringer under a roof
Explanations in French  20  [1.8] les pannes des toits
Analogs  21  haraboalavo, mitataoharatraambany, mitataoharatraambony
Compound words 

Entry (3/3)23  haratra
Part of speech  24  noun
Explanations in English  25  [1.7] aratra
Explanations in French  26  [1.8] aratra

Anagrams  27  aharatr, haratra

Updated on 2025/02/02