
Entry (1/4)1  mandrantsana
Root  2  rantsana
Part of speech  3  active verb
Explanations in Malagasy  4  [1.1] Manapaka rantsana: Iza no nandrantsana itý paiso ity?
Explanations in English  5  [1.7] to prune
Explanations in French  6  [1.8, 1.196] élaguer
7  [1.196] tailler un arbre
Vocabulary  8  Botany: (in general)
9  Present :
10  Past :
11  Future :
12  Imperative :

Entry (2/4)13  mandrantsana
Root  14  rantsana
Part of speech  15  active verb
Explanations in Malagasy  16  [1.1] Mamoaka rantsana kely: Kely sisa dia handratatsana itý hazo itý
Explanations in English  17  [1.7] to branch out
Explanations in French  18  [1.8] produire des branches
Vocabulary  19  Botany: (in general)

Entry (3/4)20  mandrantsana
Root  21  rantsana
Part of speech  22  active verb
Explanations in Malagasy  23  [1.1] Mikitika (valiha)
Vocabulary  24  Music: (in general)
Compound words 

Entry (4/4)26  mandrantsàna
Root  27  rantsana
Part of speech  28  imperative of active verb mandrantsana [Full list]
Explanations in Malagasy  29  [1.1]
Explanations in French  30  [1.3]

Anagrams  31  andrantsanam, mandrantsana, mandrantsàna

Updated on 2025/02/08