
Entry1  sao
Part of speech  2  conjunction
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Atao mba hampitohy fehezan-kevitra roa ka ny faharoa:
4  a) milaza zavatra atahorana na ahina: Matahotra aho sao maninomaninona i zoky any lavitra any ~ Manahy izy sao nisy mpangalatra tafiditra tao antranony
5  b) na milaza zavatra kendrena tsy ho tanteraka, mitovy hevitra amin' ny "mba tsy": Niova akanjo izy sao fantatry ny ao an-tanana
6  Azo ampiasaina tsy hampitohy fehezan-kevitra roa miharihary koa anefa ny "sao", fa manomboka fehezanteny ka mety ho ilay (b) etsy ambony ihany izy amin' izay fa mifamadi-toerana fotsiny: Sao tratran' ny fahavalo eto isika, fa andeha handositra, na koa enti-milaza fampitandremana: Sao heverinao ho tsy mahalala ny toetranao aho, na faminavinana; Sao mbola mba mahita ihany ny masonao fa tsaboy tsara [1.1]
Explanations in English  7  lest perchance, for fear that; also used as follows: sào misy vàry aty aminao?: do you happen, to have any rice ? [1.7]
Explanations in French  8  de peur que, de crainte que; si par hasard [1.8]
Analogs  9  Ndrao, fandrao, fandroa, sangoa, ngoa dia
Tables and plates  10  All the conjunctions

Anagrams  11  aso, osa, sao, soa

Updated on 2020/07/31