
1  short   
boleta2  short ~ short, dwarfish.
boletaka3  short ~ short, dwarfish.
boletaleta4  short ~ short, dwarfish.
boteta5  short ~ short, dwarfish
bozy6  short ~ stunted, dwarfish, diminutive in stature; short but pleasing
bozeny7  short ~ short, very little, dwarfish. See <1zeny#+zeny>
debodebo8  short ~ short, dwarfish, small and fat but well formed. Debodebony also used. Used of persons and animals
dovidovy9  short ~ short, shortish, dwarfish
fohy10  short
okenana11  short
tabebaka12  short ~ short and spacious. Chiefly applied to baskets: rather short, shallow, or dwarfish.