
Entry (1/2)1  aby
Part of speech  2  adjective
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Avy, rehetra [1.78]
4  Rehetra [1.78]
5  Isany, daholo, rehetra: Añay aby (Izahay rehetra Izao abiaby izao: Izao tontolo izao) [1.78]
6  Manontolo, rehetra: Enteko ho ahy aby vao ty raha toy, [1.78]
7  Teny fahita indrindra amin' ny fitenimparitra, mitovy hevitra amin' ny hoe daholo, avokoa: tonga aby ny mpianatra tao am-pianaranay androany [1.1]
Explanations in English  8  All, the whole, every one, each. See avy. The letter b frequently takes the place of v in the provinces. [1.2]
9  All [1.7]
Explanations in French  10  Mot venant des provinces; peu usité en hova, et employé dans le sens de rehetra, avy, tous: Tonga izy aby (Ils sont tous arrivés) ~ Andriana aby (Tous sont nobles) [1.3]
11  jiaby [1.19]
12  Tous [1.8]
13  Adjectives :
Synonyms  14  abiaby
Compound words 

Entry (2/2)16  Aby
Part of speech  17  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  18  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in English  19  Abi [2.996]
Explanations in French  20  Abiyya [2.996]
Examples  21  Ary ny anaran-dreniny dia Aby, zanakavavin'i Zakaria. [2.996]
Biblical quotes  22  Chapters and verses mentioning Aby
Tables and plates  23  Words classed by parts of speech

Anagrams  24  aby, bay

Updated on 2024/09/10