| 3 fine  |
boliadiaka | 4 fine ~ open, fine, large, beautiful. Applied to the eyes. |
boliaka | 5 fine ~ open, fine, large, beautiful. Applied to the eyes. |
dina | 6 fine (a) ~ a fine, a penalty, a forfeit, a mulct, especially imposed for the non-performance of a contract or for neglect of a public order |
faty dina | 7 fine ~ [dina, a general work.] A penalty or fine for the non-performance of a contract. See dina. |
miboliaka | 8 fine ~ to be full, to be fine, to be wide open. Used of the eyes. |
madini-bolo | 9 fine ~ close grained, fine, as fine granite, stone, etc |
madinika | 10 fine ~ often pronounced majinika. Small, minute, slender, little, fine, of cloth, etc. |
mahafinaritra | 11 fine |
sazy | 12 fine (a) ~ a fine, punishment |