
Entry (1/5)1  hitany (hita)
Part of speech  2  participle hita and pronoun
Examples  3  hitany ny lavaka [2.649#245>Hitany ny lavaka]
4  Inona no hitany ? [2.529#16>Inona no hitany ?]

Entry (2/5)5  hitañy (ta)
Part of speech  6  future of active verb mita

Entry (3/5)7  hitany (h)
Part of speech  8  future of passive verb itana and pronoun

Entry (4/5)9  hitany (h)
Part of speech  10  future of relative verb itana and pronoun

Entry (5/5)11  ... hita ny ...
Part of speech  12  Unspecified (several words)
Examples  13  hiara-hiera ho hita ny helony [2.113#59]
14  Indraindray miala tsy hita ny rano [1.357]

Anagrams  15  hitany, tahiny, tinahy

Updated on 2020/07/31