
Entry (1/3)1  me    
Part of speech  2  pronoun [Full list]
Explanations in Malagasy  3  [1.17] ahy

Entry (2/3)4  me    
Part of speech  5  pronoun [Full list]
Explanations in Malagasy  6  [1.9, 1.66] ahy, amiko
Examples  7  me voici (Inty aho eto) [1.9]
8  Il me donna le livre (Nomeny ahy ilay boky) ~ Cela me semble mauvais (Toa ratsy amiko izany) [1.66]

Entry (3/3)9  me    
Part of speech  10  pronoun [Full list]
Explanations in Malagasy  11  [1.18] izaho (davanti al verbo)
aho (dopo al verbo)
ahy (compl. ogg.)

Updated on 2025/02/02