
1  wound   
bay2  wound (a) ~ a wound, a hurt, a boil. See <1fery#>, and <1vay#>
fery3  wound (a) ~ a wound, a sore
faisana4  wound (a) ~ a wound, an injury to body or mind. ~ a scar, a wound; lasting ill effects; an insult
afotana5  wound ~ used of a cord, etc., wound round something. (Prov.)
mahavoa6  wound (to) ~ to strike; to hit the mark; to wound
mandratra7  wound (to) ~ to hurt, to wound, to injure
antsodina8  wound ~ to be wound off, to be twirled.
ratra9  wound (a) ~ a wound, an injury
voaolana10  wound ~ twisted, wound
vatra11  wound ~ stripes, wound