
Entry (1/2)1  hainteny
Part of speech  2  noun
Vocabulary  3  Literature: (in general)
Explanations in Malagasy  4  Teny an' ohatra voaravaka ohabolana, mampiseho fahaizana sy fahakingana, nampiasain' ny Ntaolo tamin' ny fananarana na nifamalian' ny tanora nanao resa-pitiavana [1.1]5  lahabolana mirindra, feno ohatrohatra enti-mampita hevitra amin' ny fomba miolaka, ifamaliana ka ny tanora lahy sy vavy mifamboraka fitiavana no tena manao azy; ampisaina hampitana anatra amam-pitsipi-pitondran-tena ihany koa [1.62]
Explanations in English  6  A proverb, a figure of speech; a repartee, an adage. See ohabolana [1.2]7  a short discourse in traditional form; words of wisdom [1.7]
Explanations in French  8  proverbe [1.3]9  expression figurée; bref discours dans le style traditionnel [1.8]10  (une) poésie traditionnelle; (l') art du discours, (le) savoir-parler: Tapitra nadika amin'ny teny firantsay ny hain-teny (La poésie traditionnelle a fini par être traduite en français) ~ Nisy teo amin'ny Ntaolo ny finaninanana hain-teny (Le concours du savoir-parler existait chez les Anciens; il y eut des compétitions en matière d'art du discours entre les ancêtres) [1.67]11  réparties amoureuses (genre poétique traditionnel) [1.5]
Explanations in Italian  12  proverbio [1.18]
Examples  13  Tsy izany ihany koa, fa amin' izany fiovaovsna izany dia misy ohabolana sy hainteny tsy dia manana fitohizana akory amin' ny teny mialoha sy manaraka azy. [1.38]
Elementary words  14  hay, teny

Entry (2/2)17  Hainteny
Subtitle  18  the Traditional Poetry of Madagascar.
Part of speech  19  name (book title)
Vocabulary  20  Literature
Elementary words  21  hainteny
Author  22  Fox Leonard
Publishings  23  Bucknell University Press, 1990. Height: 9.5in. Width: 6.5in. Pages: 464
Text  24  Malagasy is a language of extremely delicate nuance and, in terms of Western European languages, of remarkable conciseness -- the latter often a result of the former.
Ravin-tapia tian-dandy Tapia leaves are loved by silkworms,
ravin-tambolo tian'ny nify tambolo leaves are loved by the teeth.
ka raha manaja ahy mba hajaiko If you respect me, I will respect you,
ary raha manitsaka ahy mba hitsahiko and if you despise me, I will despise you.
fa hianao Ivatolaivy For you are Ivatolaivy,
hodidinin'ny alan-tapia surrounded by a forest of tapia,
izaho kosa Ambohinihaza while I am Ambohinihaza,
hodidinin'ny rano eto Itasy surrounded by the waters of Itasy.
Tsy mitady fitia mbola misy aho / fa ny lambako lena no ahahiko / ataovy fitia fatambary ny havanao / zahana maraina tadiavin-kariva ao ny andro maharatsy / ary ao ny andro ahafatesana / nefa izay tsara fodi-mandry any an-danitra / Itsanganako alakamisy misy hanina / itsanganako zoma manan-tiana

Updated on 2023/10/20