
1  child   
dimby2  child ~ succession, substitution, change; a child. See solo, sosoka
fahazaza3  child (when one was a) ~ at the time of one's childhood ~ when one was a child
fanjai-kely4  child (a)
fara5  child ~ the last; offspring, children, an heir, succession, progeny. [Ar. fark, pulus (=furar). Comp. the Heb. par, a calf, a young bull; Germ. farr; also the Heb. bar, son, and the whole group of words from the same root (as parah=barah; Sansk. bhri (Zend. bara); Gr. phero; Lat. fero=Eng. bear, etc.] ~ the last; the supreme; a descendant, a child
fara sy dimby6  child (a) ~ children ~ a child, children
anaka7  child ~ a child, the young of anything; any one treated with affection; an affectionate and respectful mode of address. Avia, anaka, Come, child. This word anaka is also always used in the provinces where <1zanaka#> would be used in Imerina. [Mal. anak.] ~ a child
ankizy8  child (a) ~ a child, children, servants, youths of both sexes. ~ a child, children
saiky9  child (a) ~ a child
zanaka10  child (a) ~ a child, offspring; the young of animals
zaza11  child (a) ~ a child
zaza rano12  child (a very young) ~ a very young child.