| 1 step  |
baikabaika | 2 step ~ a mode of walking, an affected step. |
dia | 3 step (a) ~ a step; a journey ~ a footstep, a mark. [Probably connected with Swa. njia, or ndia, a path, a road] |
dingana | 4 step ~ a step, a leap |
dingan-dava | 5 step (a long) ~ a long step |
ambaratonga | 6 step (a) ~ A ladder, steps, stairs; gradation. ~ a step or degree in progress; a degree of honor or authority |
mamindra | 7 step (to) ~ to remove, to transfer, to transcribe, to transplant, to step, to walk. |
mamono dia | 8 step ~ to get into step. See <1vonodia#> |
mandia | 9 step (to) ~ to tread, to step; to measure with the foot, to fall in with one's plans, to coincide with, to follow, to hit on the same idea, to correspond |
antoana | 10 step ~ steps, stairs, order, gradation. |