
Entry (1/4)1  fatratra
Part of speech  2  adverb [Full list]
Explanations in Malagasy  3  [1.1] Aoka izany, izaitsizy: Miasa fatratra ianao izany ~ Fatra-panao kitoatoa izy
Explanations in English  4  [1.2#175] diligently, incessantly, importunately, earnestly, extremely, decidedly. This word is often pronounced fafatra. It is much used in compound words.
Compound words 

Entry (2/4)12  fatratra
Part of speech  13  adjective
Explanations in Malagasy  14  [1.1] Kanto, tsara tarehy aoka izany: Fatratra izany trano izany
Explanations in English  15  [1.7] great, amazing
16  Passive verbs :
Analogs  17  babany, babantany, by, kanto, ngita, manga, mafotaka, marihitra, mantsalay, lalina, fanaperana, tanteraka, tontosa, tomombana, lavorary, isafatsiroa, tokana aman-tany, tsy roa aman-tany, tapitra ohatra, tapitra efatra, tsy misy toa azy, tsy manantsahala, tsy manam-paharoa, tonga lafatra, ary fenitra, farafarampony, baka lany sahaza, tsy misy tomika, maty paika, mangidy vato, lani-datsaka

Entry (3/4)18  fatratra
Part of speech  19  adjective
Explanations in English  20  [1.2#175] hard
Explanations in French  21  [1.19] [Tankarana] solide, fort, ferme.
Synonyms  22  fafatra
Compound words 

Entry (4/4)24  fatratra
Part of speech  25  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  26  [1.1] Fifanizinana, fandentehana zavatra ao anaty toerana iray befahatany, tsy ilana rindrany
Explanations in English  27  [1.2#174] [root]
Explanations in French  28  [1.3#158] action de presser sur la mesure, sur le contenu, de fourrer, de bourrer, de lancer un coup
29  Names :
30  Adjectives :
Compound words 

Anagrams  32  afatratr, fatratra

Updated on 2025/01/21