
Entry (1/2)1  tongona
Part of speech  2  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  3  [1.78] [Tanala] [tongoña] havoana, vohitra kely
4  [1.1] Bainga avovona eny an-tanimbary
Analogs  5  togombato
Compound words 

Entry (2/2)7  tongona
Part of speech  8  noun
Explanations in English  9  [2.233] red-bellied lemur (Eulemur rubriventer)
Explanations in French  10  [2.233] lémur à ventre rouge (Eulemur rubriventer)
Vocabulary  11  Zoology: mammals
Synonyms  12  barimaso, soamiera
Tables and plates  90  The Lemurs

Anagrams  91  nongota, ongotan, tongona

Updated on 2025/01/21