
Entry (1/4)1  gidro
Part of speech  2  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  3  [1.1] Feon-javatra mifampikasoka ka midridridridry, mifandilotra
Explanations in English  4  [1.2] a creaking noise somewhat louder than dridridridry
Explanations in French  5  [1.3] grincement, le bruit du frottement, le craquement, le cri des rats
Vocabulary  6  Sound
7  Names :
Synonyms  8  gidrogidro, gidroka

Entry (2/4)9  gidro
Part of speech  10  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  11  [1.78] [Bara] safiafy

Entry (3/4)12  gidro
Part of speech  13  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  14  [1.1] Olona ratsy tarehy
Explanations in French  15  [1.3] laid, figure de singe
16  [2.415] Se disait des gens laids

Entry (4/4)17  gidro
Part of speech  18  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  19  [1.1] karazam-biby mitovitovy habe amin' ny saka saingy izy lava rambo ary ny tarehiny manana toetra ifandraisany amin' ny olona
Explanations in English  20  [1.2] a grey species of lemur, the mongoose lemur. Lemur mongoz, L. Also loosely used for other species, as L. catta, Lepilemur mustelinus, etc. See amboanala. [Comp. Swa. ngedere, a species of monkey; Ar. qird, an ape.]
21  [1.7] any monkey-like creature
22  [2.233] crowned lemur (Eulemur coronatus)
mongoose lemur (Eulemur mongoz)
Explanations in French  23  [1.3] plusieurs espèces de makis, surtout le noir-gris. Prosienia mongoz
24  [1.54] maki (gris noir)
25  [1.8] singe ou lémurien
26  [2.233] lémur couronné (Eulemur coronatus)
lémur mongoz (Eulemur mongoz)
Examples  27  Ny biby no mifanaretsaka ao, ny gidro sy ny namany ary ny voron-dia sy vorondreo. [2.895#]
28  Tsy maninona na mpanotrika izany, na mpaka kitay, na lambo, na gidro, na bibilava. [2.472#]
Vocabulary  29  Zoology: mammals
Tables and plates  107  The Lemurs

Updated on 2025/02/02