
Entry (1/4)1  vinany
Part of speech  2  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  3  [1.1] Vava fidiran' ny renirano amin' ny ony, na ny ony amin' ny ranomasina
Explanations in English  4  [1.7] the confluence of two rivers; the estuary of a river at a lake or at the sea
Explanations in French  5  [1.8] confluent de deux rivières; embouchure ou estuaire d'un fleuve
Vocabulary  6  Geography: (in general)
Compound words 

Entry (2/4)23  vinany
Part of speech  24  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  25  [1.1] Eritreritra na tsindrimandry amin' ny mbola ho avy, tombantombana eo ho eo: Vinany ara-keviny fotsiny ante no ilazako izany e!
Nofinofy sy hevi-dravina kitoatoa na anjoanjo: Ialahy ity koa dia manao vinany mihitsy!
Zavatra na teti-dratsy, hasomparana: Tandremo sao manao vinany aty aminay aty a!)
Explanations in English  26  [1.7] a guess, a conjecture; a prediction
Explanations in French  27  [1.3, 1.8] conjecture; prédiction
28  [1.3] divination, prophétie
action d'estimer, de calculer peu à près
Examples  29  Tsy dia fantatro tsara akory izay nolazainy, fa araka ny vinaniko dia toa izany no nataony [2.471]
Vocabulary  30  Philosophy
31  Simple :
32  Prefixed :
33  Active verbs :
34  Passive verbs :
35  Relative verbs :
36  Names :
37  Adjectives :
Compound words 

Entry (3/4)42  vinany
Root  43  vina
Part of speech  44  noun vina and pronoun
Explanations in English  45  [3.1] its probability
Explanations in French  46  [3.1] sa probabilité

Entry (4/4)47  Vinany
Elementary words  48  vinany
Part of speech  49  name (toponym) [Full list]
Vocabulary  50  Geography: towns

Anagrams  51  niavin, nivain, nivany, vaniny, vinani, Vinany, vinany

Updated on 2025/02/07